Sunday, March 2, 2008

Guitar Hero

Those of you that know me well know that if there is one thing that I don't know anything about, it's music, although I sing and play the piano the appeal of pop and rock music completely escapes me. I like music and I like to listen to it but don't follow any bands and I'll listen to the same cd in my car until my husband changes it
because I just don't care. You probably also know that I love games and I'm a little competitive. Which is why it must be funny to watch me play Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I love to do it because its a game, unfortunately I'm completely hopeless at it while still insisting I can beat you. Recently I stayed up until 4 in the morning trying to beat a song on Guitar Hero entitled "Raining Blood". I still do not know who sings it, but I did eventually pass it. The very title clashes with my personality but there I was listening to it over and over again so I could win. So I could finally stand there triumphant with my guitar over one shoulder, a fist in the air and yell "I rock!" Then dance wildly about my living room. Suddenly I remember. I'm 29. My blinds are open. What would the neighbors think?


Nic@Nite said...

You competetive?- No- I have never realized that. Yeah right! Way to go on finally passing your song. How is rock band? Probably not as fun since Phil and I aren't there- right? Post picts of Abby's birthday!

Kristen said...

Mike says that Raining Blood is indeed tough. So it must be true. And you do rock-so it's okay if the neighbors know it.

elesa said...

I love the way you are always changing your blog colors. It keeps me on my toes! And this post makes me laugh. You are very wise to know yourself so well. It reminds me of a mostly unrelated incident; couple of days ago I went Ice Skating with the Young Women. Though about 98% of the skaters were teenagers, the music that was playing was all 80's rock. When Guns N' Roses "Paradise City" came on, I just wanted to get down and boogie. I didn't however, because I was pretty sure that a) the young women would make fun of me, and b)I would fall and land on my arse.

Kao said...

Congrats on your victory! I have to admit, I had to laugh reading your post. Rock on!

Gretch said...

HA! The 4am doesn't surprise me at all. So do you think you can beat me now? LOL! Probably not...

AJ Stevens said...

Never, you are the guitar queen.