Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Now many of you may be thinking there is NO excuse for not blogging for going on 2 months. Let me offer my meager apologies and present you with my host of excuses for my blog silence. I haven't even looked at other people's so I anticipate a late night tonight. So first my sister in law, Ally graduated and I flew out to be there, a busy week of graduation activities. Fun, but busy. Then my brother Leon safely returned from his tour in Iraq, so I was
quite excited to see him and stayed a few extra days. I was maybe not as excited as his wife, but it is good to have him home. Almost as soon as we got back from our extended stay in Utah, we had a busy week of puppy sitting while getting Abby ready for her first ever dance recital. If I was savvy enough I would put the video on here but sadly I have no clue how, so a picture of her doing what she called "becoming a flower" is the best I can do. Isn't she sweet? Even James was able to make it to the recital. Rest assured if you venture out here for a visit you will be made to watch the video. Next was my awesome 30th birthday. My sister,Eva, brother, Leon and best friend,Elesa, drove out to surprise me. I was very surprised and delighted, but as you can imagine it was a little crazy around here. This is Elesa and I at the park with our kids as you can tell (maybe) I chopped my hair off, however despite my best efforts, it is not pink, yet. We are both 30 now and I can honestly say I've known her all 30 of those years. It was a little windy that day if you can't tell. So after all that fun, I had Stephen little bug party to plan, Thanks Nicole for letting me steal all your ideas, I don't think there would have been a party without them. You'll probably think I ruined everything, but I didn't even make invitations ! I know try not to be too shocked. It turned out cute anyway. Here is my little bug enjoying his first birthday cake. As most of you probably know, he eats anything he can get his hands on and cake was no exception, he demolished that cupcake. Last but not least, perhaps after all my biggest excuse is that during this whirlwind two months I was also surprised (very) to discover that I would look like this again around mid-November. So those are my
reasons. I mean excuses. You can take them or leave them. Well you pretty much have to take them because I'm the one in charge here. That's right accept my excuses and like it! I'm going to start wearing the pants around here.