Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ah the joys of having a bun in the oven

Which by the way is a term I've never quite understood. I get the reference to something is cooking inside you, and believe me it is quite hot, but a bun? Babies are not bun-like. It should be "a monkey in the oven" or "a watermelon in the oven". But who really cooks a watermelon I guess. So some fun things I would like you all to know and empathize about. Firstly, at no other point in your life will a complete stranger feel it is appropriate to rub your belly. This is a truly one of the joys. I had some one do this in the store in passing, granted it was more of a pat, but I couldn't have been more shocked if the old lady had slapped my butt. Seriously, can I just get one of those museum signs that says please do not touch. Secondly, I can no longer get out of bed without swinging my arms and legs over my awkward body and rolling out (the swinging is meant to get the momentum going). Sometimes I forget my excess bulk when trying to stand up from the couch (or toilet) and I fall back down. I am only 5 mos pregnant this is going to get worse. Thirdly, I pee my pants more than my 4 yr. old. Pretty much every time I sneeze. Fourthly, being intimate with my significant other. Enough said. It's awkward, I'll let you use your imagination if you want to(trust me you don't). Now I'll be the first to admit there are many other joys to being pregnant including the baby at the end, but these are a few of my favorites. There I updated my blog. I'm sure you're all thrilled now you can go back to holding your breath for another 2 mos.