Monday, October 22, 2012

Will Drinking More Water Help Me Lose Weight?

Ok, I have read several articles that drinking between 6-8 8 oz. glasses of water a day will help you lose weight.  Maybe this is my problem, I have a serious problem drinking much water.  As a matter of fact I am a diet soda-holic.  I have AT LEAST 2 cans of soda a day, usually diet Coke, but sometimes something else.  And to be perfectly honest, sometimes that is my entire liquid intake.  I do try to drink water during a work out, but this probably amounts to a couple ounces a day.  So if I cut the soda and drink just water, and a lot of it, will it help me lose weight?  Well, I am about to find out.  I started a week and a half ago, I figure I will give it at least a month.  On the first day I weighed in at 124.5.  I also experienced a massive headache around four in the afternoon, I could barely see straight.  I'm fairly certain this was caffeine withdrawal.  When I weighed myself on day two I was 126.5.  I think it was pretty likely I had been dehydrated and now my body is chock full of water.  I have been averaging 6 cups a day, some days more some days less.  After my peak on day two my weight has slowly, but steadily gone down.  I weighed in on day seven at 122.5, although today, day 10 I was 123.  I feel great.  I still don't like drinking plain water, but it helps if it is icy cold.  I haven't really cheated much, aside from days that I don't quite make the full amount, I have been allowing myself to drink a diet soda when I eat out (I have to have SOME reward) but I only did it 3 times then I started ordering water.  So far so good.  I DO have a full bladder more often than I used to, but that's a small price to pay if this works out.  I will keep you posted.