Saturday, January 19, 2008

6 little known facts about James

A lot of my friends know Jimmy better than they know me. So I tried very hard to come up with things most people would not know.

1. His absolute favorite cookies are hershey's heath bar cookies.

2. He scored over 250,000 on one song on Guitar Hero (on medium). He also played one perfect song with a 550 note streak.

3. He likes names that start with A and J (he picked Abby's name)

4. He can't grow facial hair around his mouth b/c he sunburned his face too much when he was a kid.

5. He picked up his wife over a microscope (nerdy eh?)

6. He admitted to tearing up once over extreme makeover home edition, although I was not there to witness it. That supposed report is the only evidence I have that his lacrimal duct functions at all.
Thanks Nicole for tagging me. Hopefully you learned something new.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is Long Overdue

So I guess I need to update this blog. We DID have Christmas and New Years and all. So I hope when I grow up I can Christmas shop like Steve Boyd. If ever there is something impossible to get or simply unfindable, he will find it. He got me a Wii for Christmas and I must say that I blame my recent blog inactivity on the amount of time I've spent boxing and playing Mario Galaxy. Yes I am a gamer. I know it's a bit unusual for a 2o something year old mother of 2, which is why I do it between 12 and 3 am. Exactly the time of day when I used to blog. So sorry friends, until I develop Wii tennis elbow, you may hear a little less from me. Fortunately I have to fight Abby to play it the rest of the time. She got a princess game. I will try to be better. James got Guitar Hero (also a spectacular find by Steve) and everytime Abby sees him playing it she comes and tells me that Daddy is busy rocking out and can I get her a drink? I cannot rock out. We did have a fantastic Christmas and New Years. I resolved to budget better and not eats sweets. Try not to laugh when you read those I'm nearly a week and a half sweet-free and going strong. So for about 4 mos. I've been struggling to drop those last 5 bably lbs. and in the last week and a half I've lost 2 so it hasn't been entirely a waste of time. The budgeting thing is going less well, but I still feel I'm making progress. Here's some pictures. Abby and I after wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. Abs on the stairs Christmas morning. Stephen eating a ribbon. Some baby behinds.